We manually sand the smooth side of the leather to make a uniform ruff out. But if you desire the true ruff out of the underside of the hide then that is called vein trail. There are many hide variations with this choice that some folks do not like.
Natural Ruff Out

Hand Buffed
8" Narrow

10" Wide

On your order form you are given a choice of a standard fender or upgrade to the Premium no Stress Comfort Fender. Explanation: The fender is run thru a splitter to thin the thickness of the leather. Calfskin glove leather is then glued and sewn to the back to restore strength without the stiffness. They are fabulous! My standard fenders are not as thick and stiff as other saddles you may have owned, so if you aren not having knee or ankle issues the standard fender will suit you fine.
How to turn your fenders on your new Right Fit saddle.
so they glove nicely around your lower leg and your stirrup is turned out so your boot slips in nicely:
1) set saddle on a stand that is open underleath
2) get a piece of round pipe, or a broom/ mop. IE: a non flexible pipe 3-4ft long
3) get a sprayer filled with hot tap water.
4) thoroughly spray the back sides of both fenders including the stirrup leathers with the hot water
4) grab stirrup cup fender so that both front ad rear edge are curled towards you and turn the stirrup 2 complete rotations. Be certain to keep the fender cupped down the center top to bottom.
5) place pipe thru stirrup and brace it on the saddle stand so it doesnt untwist while you do the same to the 2nd fender.
6) once Fenders are both turned like a curly fry, tug down on stirrup so that the curl tightens and stirrup is no longer sideways.
7) spray the fender and leathers again until dripping.
I keep the hot water away from the front side of the fender because the leather is new and dyes are fresh and it is impressionable and suseptable to many things until the leather seasons in and ages.
I strongly recommend that your seal your saddle with a quality product that wont suffocate the leather if you have not chosen to have us Black Rock your saddle while we had it in the shop being built.
You will need to reasses the need to condition and reaseal your saddle every year.
Single turn Double turn Completely cupped down center