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These 3 are my #1 choice for rugged durability. They are heavy conchos with sturdy wood screws welded onto the back

#O4212 BS 1.5"             04212 SS 1.5"

Montana engraved. Horseshoe center

These standard order conchos are currently available that are a chicago screw back concho. We can install on your saddle before it ships at no additional charge to you.

 A wood screw is glued into the threads in order to apply it to your saddle.

They are not as sturdy. Therefore we will not warrenty these conchos. If one comes off or is damaged you will need to purchase another one and install it yourself. 

 A saddle needs 4@ 1.5"  conchos & 2@ 1". For a total of 6 conchos.  

Email or text me so I can send you pictures of a selection of conchos not advertized here 



We order from Weaver, therefore you may go there to pick your conchos ahead of time so we can order them in for your saddle. write the numbers on your order form under the "CONCHOS" SECTION


Concho education: Conchos with a wood screw welded onto the back of the concho are very sturdy  and hold up better without breakage when tying on gear.

The screw back conchos found on many saddles are for looks only. 

A Wood screw post can be added but it is not as durable and even tho we glue it~the concho can back off the post.

Therefore, we will not warrenty any concho that does not have the wood screw welded onto the post since many of my customers are ranchers and trail riders that tie gear on and put stress on the concho and need dependable hardware.

We encourage you to choose one of the top 3 conchos,  or a slotted concho.

 We have never had one break or come off. 

Chicago screw and slotted conchos

Clearer pix of #8 & #9

            If you prefer to order your conchos there are many sites to order from such as:                                                       





If you choose to order your own conchos and you would prefer that we install them on your saddle- you are hereby advised that we will not be responsible for breakage.

 If one breaks or warps we will notify you so you can reorder and have a new one sent. 

If you prefer to install your own when your saddle arrive home,  then we will install your leather rosettes with a screw so you can remove the screw and install your conchos. 

Additional options

Binding, trail rings, rear cinch, trail strings, skirt lining, studs

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